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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs for friends and family of inmates in the custody of the Kansas Department of Corrections

Facilities Resident Communications Resident Banking PREA Publications Canteen

This section is designed to answer basic questions about the Kansas Department of Corrections (KDOC) and is prepared for informational purposes only. It serves as a general resource in understanding the rules, regulations and policies that govern Kansas state correctional facilities. Information provided here is subject to change and KDOC policies, procedures, regulations and general orders supersede the information provided here.

If you have questions that are not covered, you may contact the correctional facility directly.

Locating a resident

by David Thompson — last modified Aug 13, 2024 (02:02 PM)

FAQs for friends and family of inmates in the custody of the Kansas Department of Corrections

How do I know where a resident is housed?

You may check a resident’s location and status on the Kansas Adult Supervised Population Electronic Repository (KASPER) located on the KDOC’s website. Information is updated daily, excluding weekends.

KASPER is a database which contains information about offenders sentenced to the custody of the Secretary of Corrections since 1980. KASPER contains information regarding those who are: currently incarcerated; under post-incarceration supervision; and, who have been discharged from a sentence. KASPER does not have information available about inmates sent to Kansas under the provisions of the interstate compact agreement.

The information contained in KASPER is public information under provisions of Kansas statute and is made available to the public and law enforcement in the interest of public safety. No names are removed from the database unless a conviction is removed from the public record by one of three ways: one, if the conviction is overturned by means of an appeal; two, if the conviction is expunged; or three, if an offender is granted executive clemency.

Through KASPER you can find:

  • Name and KDOC Registration Number;
  • Physical description (date of birth, height, weight, hair and eye color, body markings, including photograph);
  • Conviction description (crime(s) of conviction, county, case number);
  • Anticipated release date;
  • Inmate housing location (current location and facility movements, including movement dates, location of parole office maintaining supervision);
  • Custody or supervision level (Whether an offender has been released to post-incarceration supervision (parole, conditional release, post-release supervision, compact probation or parole); and,
  • Institutional disciplinary record (violations for which offender was found guilty).

Please note that release dates may change and are contingent upon good time and program credit earnings and forfeitures.

Specific questions regarding an inmate’s release date should be directed to the KDOC’s sentence computation unit at (785) 296-3317 or by e-mail.

Custody Classification

by David Thompson — last modified Aug 13, 2024 (02:02 PM)

What is the custody classification system?

Custody classification is how inmates are assessed with regard to the risk they present to themselves, other inmates, staff and the community. The standard set of objective criteria includes:

  • Length of minimum sentence
  • Length of time remaining to serve
  • Criminal behavior involved in the current offense
  • Past criminal behavior
  • Escape history/characteristics
  • Institutional adjustment
  • Behavioral characteristics (suicidal, predatory, etc.)
  • Special needs (protective custody, etc.)

Also considered are such issues as inmate performance in sex offender treatment, detainers, absconding supervised release, gang involvement, pending disciplinary issues and civil commitment issues. This system was developed to promote public safety and institutional order while providing guidelines to place inmates in the least restrictive level of supervision required based upon their assessed level of risk. The KDOC has five custody levels in KDOC facilities: special management, maximum custody, high-medium custody, low-medium custody and minimum custody.

Custody Classification Level System

  • Special Management
    Describes an inmate who, because of either a short-term or long-term condition surrounding his/her incarceration, requires segregation from the general population. Housing within a segregation unit and highly structured movement within that unit is required. The inmate is out of his/her cell one hour out of every 24 hours, five days a week.
  • Maximum Custody

    Describes an inmate who is most suitable for housing at a maximum-security facility and whose movement and activities within that facility are highly structured and closely monitored.
  • High-medium Custody

    Describes an inmate who is most suitable for housing at a medium- or maximum-security facility, except HCF-East Unit and NCF-Central Unit. The inmate is not approved for an open-dormitory environment. Within the facility assigned, activities and movements are moderately controlled and structured.
  • Low-medium Custody

    Describes an inmate who is most suitable for housing at a medium- or maximum-security facility or unit. The inmate can be assigned to dormitory-style living units. Low-medium custody inmates may be allowed greater movement within the perimeter. Low-medium custody inmates may be housed at HCF-East Unit or NCF-Central Unit.
  • Minimum Custody

    Describes an inmate who is appropriate for housing at any level of security, with minimum security preferred.

When will an inmate know his/her custody classification?

Each inmate receives a classification review:

  • upon reception;
  • upon admission as a condition violator;
  • at regularly scheduled intervals (120 day or annuall)y following admission; and,
  • as unscheduled events occur that trigger a re-classification.

Incentive Levels

by David Thompson — last modified Aug 13, 2024 (02:02 PM)

What are incentive levels and why are they important?

The KDOC’s graduated incentive level system requires that inmates earn privileges in areas which include personal property, visitation, canteen expenditures and eligibility for incentive pay.

Inmates progress through the four-level system by complying with KDOC rules and regulations, participating in programs and practicing pro-social behavior. Once earned, privileges may be lost for non-compliance as an inmate’s behavior determines which incentive levels he/she can earn while incarcerated. Level three is the highest incentive level possible. All inmates enter the Reception and Diagnostic Unit at Intake Level.

Inmate Privileges and Incentive Level System: Attachment A, IMPP 11-101

Admission RDU

by David Thompson — last modified Aug 13, 2024 (02:02 PM)

What is RDU?


Upon admission, all residents are photographed, fingerprinted and placed in the Reception & Diagnostic Unit (RDU). All residents are assigned to the intake level upon admission.

Male residents are initially housed at El Dorado Correctional Facility’s (EDCF) RDU. All female residents are housed at Topeka Correctional Facility (TCF) where the intake process occurs for females.

Residents are searched, showered and provided with a health evaluation. The resident’s property will be inventoried and either issued to the resident or returned with officers transporting the resident to KDOC custody. Residents complete the RDU process in approximately two weeks though this time may vary. A permanent facility placement for male residents may take up to two months. The initial classification process includes several tests, an interview and an evaluation of court documents and other information including physical, family and criminal history.

The process will determine the resident’s:

  • Custody level
  • Service needs
  • Program needs including education
  • Facility placement.

Residents also will undergo orientation. The resident will be provided with information about KDOC rules and regulations, behavioral expectations and the disciplinary process. Residents also are advised as to how to access medical, mental health, religious and educational services and programs. A staff member also will work with the resident on establishing a visiting and telephone list to communicate with family and friends.

  • Admission Property
  • Visiting & Mail
  • Telephone & Emergencies
  • Other General RDU Questions

Admission Property: Attachment H, IMPP 12-120

Upon admission to the KDOC, residents are assigned to Intake Level. Attachment H, IMPP 12-120 lists what items may be retained by resident when they are taken in to the custody of the KDOC. All other items are considered contraband.

Items not allowed by the KDOC will be subject to the policies and procedures of the facility from where the resident was held prior to KDOC custody, per IMPP 12-120, Security and Control: Control of Inmate Personal Property.

What items are issued to an resident in RDU?

Each inmate is provided with clean, durable and presentable clothing of the proper size that is suitable to climatic conditions, and basic hygiene items and shower shoes. Each resident also receives four pre-paid envelopes in their intake package.

What happens to the money that an inmate brings with him/her to RDU?

If an inmate is in possession of any money, the funds will be placed in the inmate’s trust fund account. More information about sending money to an inmate can be found in the Inmate Banking Section.

Visiting and Mail

by David Thompson — last modified Aug 13, 2024 (02:02 PM)

Can family members visit a resident in RDU?

No. All residents in the RDU process are at the Intake Level and have not yet earned visiting privileges. Visits are limited to attorneys, clergy and law enforcement until the resident earns a promotion to Incentive Level 1. While in RDU, a resident fills out a visitation form with the names he/she would like to be granted permission for visits when the resident has moved to the next incentive level. The resident is responsible for ensuring potential visitors receive visiting applications that must be approved before visitors will be allowed in to a correctional facility. The list will be valid for 45 days after leaving RDU. More information about the application process is available in the FAQs visiting section

Can a resident send/receive mail while in RDU?

Yes. You may send letters to a resident in the RDU; however, packages are not allowed. Residents receive four pre-paid envelopes in their intake package. Residents may not receive stamps through the mail. Stamps, envelopes and paper can be purchased through the facility’s canteen, a store through which residents are provided an opportunity to purchase allowable items.

To contact a male resident in the RDU, you may write to him at the following address until his approved phone list is activated:

Resident’s Full Name, KDOC# XXXXX
El Dorado Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 311
El Dorado, KS 67042

Female inmates may receive mail at:

Resident’s Full Name, KDOC# XXXXX
Topeka Correctional Facility
815 S.E. Rice Road
Topeka, KS 66607

Please remember to include the resident’s full name and KDOC number in the address with all correspondence or the mail will not be delivered. The envelope also must contain the sender’s full name and address as well or the letter will not be delivered. Please note that all mail is subject to search.

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Telephone and Emergencies

by David Thompson — last modified Aug 13, 2024 (02:02 PM)

Can an inmate make phone calls while in RDU?

Yes. residents are permitted telephone privileges to make collect/pre-paid calls shortly after the reception process begins. Residents cannot receive calls. Upon admission, the resident fills out a phone list of those numbers that the resident would like to call. The resident will update the phone list every 120 days thereafter. Every number that a resident requests be added to the call list will be contacted by staff, verified and asked if the person wants to be on the resident’s call list. The numbers are then activated through the facility’s phone system in approximately one week. Residents may establish a telephone list of up to 20 individual phone numbers.

If you need additional information on theresident telephone process including
how to establish an account, please visit the Resident Communications section and/or review Internal Management Policy and Procedure (IMPP) 10-111 Programs and Services:
Inmate Access to Facility and Coinless Telephones

How can I reach a resident in an emergency?

In the event of a verifiable emergency such as a serious illness or death in the family, you may call the facility. Callers must provide a call back number and their relation to the inmate. Staff will also need the nature of the emergency, the name of the person who is sick or has passed away, the person’s relation to the resident and the name and contact information for the hospital or funeral home.

Before the message will be given to the resident, facility staff will contact the hospital or funeral home to verify the information that you have provided concerning the emergency. Once the message is verified, the resident will be notified. Staff may discuss options with you for notifying the resident including if you would like to tell the resident or if you prefer a chaplain or counselor relay the information.

Other General RDU Questions

by David Thompson — last modified Aug 13, 2024 (02:02 PM)

How does the KDOC determine where a resident will be housed?

When bed space and programming slots become available in coordination with
medical consultation, a resident’s facility placement is determined. If an
offender is a recent parolee or post-release violator and not a new to the KDOC, theresident could be placed wherever space is available in the KDOC system based on an resident’s classification status.

How can an resident address his/her questions while in RDU?

A form, called a Form-9,  is available to the resident as a formal procedure to address any questions or concerns. After the form is , theresident must turn it in to the security staff. After receiving the Form-9, the staff will have 10 days to respond to the resident’s request.

What medical/dental/mental health services are available at RDU?

Within the first three days at RDU, the resident will be assessed for medical needs. Within seven days of being newly admitted and within 30 days for parole violators, each resident receives a dental exam. If major dental work is required, this will be done once the resident is transferred out of RDU to a permanent facility. Mental health services also are available.

Resident Safety

by David Thompson — last modified Aug 13, 2024 (02:02 PM)

The primary responsibility of the Kansas Department of Corrections is the safety of the public, staff and residents. Residents are encouraged to report any safety concerns to corrections staff who are available 24 hours a day. If at any time a resident does not feel safe, the resident should speak with a staff person or fill out a confidential Form-9.

Friends and family who have concerns or who are told of an resident’s safety concerns also are encouraged to contact the KDOC. A resident has several options to report sexual misconduct whether by another resident or staff. Residents can report sexual misconduct to any staff member, through a Form-9 or by calling the KDOC’s sexual abuse helpline by dialing #50 from any inmate phone.

All helpline calls are free, confidential and may be anonymous. Family members or friends should report in-custody sexual misconduct by calling the KDOC’s toll-free confidential line at 1-888-317-8204.

Callers to this number also may remain anonymous.

Is protective custody available?
Protective custody is the removal of a resident from the general population to a secure cell for their personal safety. If a resident is determined to have a valid safety concern and no reasonable alternative is available, a resident can be moved into protective custody.

How do family and friends file a complaint or voice their concerns to staff?

All issues should first be attempted to be resolved at the facility. You may ask to speak with the unit team manager or staff in the Warden’s office. If the issue remains unresolved, you may contact the KDOC’s central office and speak with the Secretary’s designee for issues relating to constituent and inmate grievances. Please call (785) 746-7542 or e-mail, kdoc_pub@ks.gov
What about staff sexual misconduct?
The KDOC has a zero tolerance policy with regard to staff sexual misconduct and inappropriate staff/resident relationships. Staff sexual misconduct includes sexual abuse or attempted sexual abuse, sexual contact, sexual assault, unlawful sexual relations and sexual harassment. It also includes conversations or correspondence that suggest or demonstrate a romantic or intimate relationship between a resident and an employee. Employees and contract personnel who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal. In addition to a zero tolerance policy with regard to staff sexual misconduct and inappropriate staff/resident relationships, K.S.A. 21-3520 prohibits “unlawful sexual relations” between staff and residents. Unlawful sexual relations includes “engaging in consensual sexual intercourse, lewd fondling or touching, or sodomy.” Unlawful sexual relations is a level 5 felony offense.

What is segregation?
An resident can either be placed in the Segregation Unit or the Intensive Management Unit (IMU) for several reasons including: protective custody, isolation to prevent the spread of communicable disease, to prevent self-harm or mutilation, critical monitoring of potentially suicidal residents, to protect the resident population from identified predators, as part of a disciplinary sanction, or for separation of residents who have conflicts with each other. In these units, residents have tighter restrictions of movement but are still allowed such things as religious guidance and exercise periods.

Is the KDOC compliant with standards established under the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA)?
Please review the KDOC’s PREA Data section for up-to-date information.


by David Thompson — last modified Aug 13, 2024 (02:02 PM)

How do I call or otherwise contact an inmate?

Please see “inmate communications” under the facilities’ section for details on establishing accounts for electronic messages and telephone. For frequently asked questions about mail, electronic messages and telephone service, click the links below.


by David Thompson — last modified Aug 13, 2024 (02:02 PM)

What is the process to mail a letter to a resident?

All residents may send and receive mail. Residents may receive letters, post cards, photographs and non-musical greeting cards. Please note that all letters are subject to being read and to inspection for illegal or unauthorized items.

How do I know where to address a letter? A resident’s location can be found through the Kansas Adult Supervised Population Electronic Repository (KASPER) through the KDOC’s website at www.doc.ks.gov/kasper. Once you have identified the facility where the resident is housed, look up the correctional facility mailing addresse here.

How do I address a letter? Click here to see an example of how to address a letter.

Can I send stamps to a resident? No. Residents may not receive stamps through the mail. Stamps, envelopes and paper can be purchased through the facility’s canteen, a store through which residents are provided an opportunity to purchase allowable items.

Can I send a magazine or book? Yes, but the items must be mailed directly from the publisher or approved vendor. Amazon Marketplace IS NOT AN APPROVED VENDOR. Books may be either paperback or hard cover. Magazines and newspaper subscriptions are also an option. However, a resident may receive printed material, including newspaper and magazine clippings, if the material is included as part of a first-class letter that does not exceed one ounce in total weight. Each resident in General Population is allowed to have 12 books and or magazines total in their cell at a time. Residents that are housed in a Restrictive Housing unit are only allowed 6 books/magazines at a time. When a resident reaches the limit, the resident must remove items to allow more to be sent in. A resident can mail them home, donate the materials to charity or throw them away. The correctional facility will review the reading materials and will censor materials that are determined to be a security threat, are of a sexually explicit nature or contain nudity. The facility will not allow role playing games or books related to those games. The decision made by the staff of the designated facility may be appealed by a resident to the Secretary of Corrections or, at the direction of the Secretary, to the Secretary’s designee.

Can I send photographs? Yes. Residents are allowed to keep up to 10 personal letters and 50 photographs (8X10 or smaller). Polaroid photographs are not allowed. Why was my letter returned as containing sexually explicit content? No resident may possess any sexually explicit materials, including drawings, paintings, writing, pictures, items and devices. The material is considered sexually explicit if the purpose of the material is sexual arousal or gratification and the material meets either of the following conditions:

  1. Contains nudity or
  2. Contains any display, actual or simulated, or description of sexual intercourse.

Why was my mail returned to me as censored?

When mail is censored or rejected, the sender, if known, is notified of the reason for the action and provided with an opportunity to appeal the decision.

Some common reasons why mail is withheld are:

  • Does not include full name and address of sender.
  • Homemade cards with stickers or other items glued to the paper.
  • Laminated cards.
  • Bookmarks.
  • Inappropriate photographs such as:
  • Photographs with nudity, guns, alcohol or gang signs.
  • Correspondence between offenders.
  • Correspondence through a third party.
  • Sexually explicit language or other inappropriate content.
  • Promotes illegal activity.

What if I don’t want to have contact with an inmate?
If a resident contacts you and you do not want contact with him/her, the facility can issue an “Order to Cease Correspondence” to the resident. If you have safety concerns or are a victim of the resident, please contact the Office of Victim Services at 1-866-404-6732.

For more information about resident mail, please review Kansas Administrative Regulation (K.A.R.) 44-12-601, Inmate Writing and Other Inmate Communications or Publications. Also, Internal Management Policy and Procedure (IMPP) 12-120 Secuirty and Control: Control of Inmate Personal Property provides additional information.

Electronic Messages

by David Thompson — last modified Aug 13, 2024 (02:02 PM)

Can I send electronic messages?

Yes, you can correspond with an inmate through electronic messaging by going to www.gettingout.com and establishing an account and identifying the inmate(s) with whom you wish to correspond.

An inmate can correspond with you in either one of two ways: by replying to an electronic message you have sent to him/her; or by having the system send you a form letter requesting permission for him/her to be able to correspond.

If you approve the request he/she can then write messages to you. If you deny the request or simply do not respond, he/she cannot write to you. If you have questions about how to use the electronic mail, please call 1-800-574-5729.

Does this mean that inmates have access to the Internet?

No. The kiosk and tables used by the inmates to read their messages do not give access to the Internet. The entire process is electronic unless the inmate elects to pay to have the message printed for an extra cost.

Do all inmates have access to electronic messaging?

Electronic messaging may not be available to all inmates depending upon their security status and other factors related to their incarceration. Inmates in administrative segregation or disciplinary segregation status do not have access.

The restrictions and limitations which may apply to traditional paper mail apply to electronic messaging based on an individual inmate’s incentive level, custody classification or other security issues.

All electronic messages will be screened by the computer software for words and phrases that may represent a risk to the facility security or the public safety. All attached photos will be viewed by staff before they can be accessed by the inmate. All Kansas Administrative Regulations regarding inmate correspondence will apply. For more information, please see K.A.R. 44-12-601 (Mail).

What if I no longer want an inmate to e-mail me?

You may request to be removed from the inmate’s approved correspondence list at any time by contacting the facility or e-mailing your request to  kdoc_facility_management@ks.gov .

Does it cost the inmate money to receive or print out the message?

The cost is paid by the person who is sending the e-mail, whether it is the inmate or the writer on the outside. Each electronic message costs one stamp. Each attachment costs one stamp. It does not cost the inmate to view an electronic message. If the inmate wants a copy of the message printed, the inmate would incur cost of paper and printing supplies.

Can I send photographs as attachments?

Yes. Inbound messages can contain up to five attachments of one megabyte each. Photographs sent as attachments do not count toward an inmate’s limit of 50 allowable photographs unless the inmate has them printed. There is no limit on the number of emails that can be sent.


by David Thompson — last modified Aug 13, 2024 (02:02 PM)

Do inmates have access to a telephone?

Yes. Inmates are permitted telephone privileges to place collect or prepaid telephone calls. Inmates cannot receive calls.

Inmates have access to coinless telephones at various times throughout the day during yard periods. Each living unit also has specified periods when inmates are allowed to make phone calls during the evening hours. Inmates may establish a telephone list of up to twenty individual phone numbers that they wish to call. They may add or delete numbers on this list only during their 120-day review. Inmate phones, with the exception of conversations with attorneys, are subject to monitoring.

How do I establish an account to telephone an inmate?
The process begins with the inmate who must submit a form at the correctional facility with the numbers the inmate would like to call. The inmate must submit the following information:

    1. The area code and telephone number;
    2. The complete name of the person to be called;
    3. The complete address of the person to be called; and,
    4. The relationship of the person to be called to the inmate.

Every new number must be verified and activated before the inmate is allowed to call. Numbers with missing information will not be entered into the telephone calling service computer system.

Friends and family may establish accounts by contacting the inmate telephone service provider, ICS Corrections, Inc., to establish a pre-paid account at 1-888-506-8407 or accounts may be set up online at no cost at ICS Corrections, Inc.

Inmates cannot call cell phones unless a pre-paid account is established. This may be done by the family by calling ICS at 1-888-506-8407 to set up a pre-paid collect account for their cell phone. Please call 1-888-506-8407 for other phone questions (i.e., accidental blocks, etc.,).

Chain dialing, 3-way calling, call forwarding, and/or dialing extra digits is not permitted.

Can I provide a calling card?
No. Calling cards are not part of the contract with the inmate telephone service provider.

How can I reach an inmate in an emergency?
In the event of a verifiable emergency, such as a serious illness or death in the family, you may call the facility. During regular business hours, you will be forwarded to the inmate counselor’s office where you can relay the emergency message, and the counselor will speak with the inmate. After hours or on weekends and holidays, verified emergencies will be passed on to the inmate at the earliest possible time.

How do I get my telephone number removed from an inmate’s call list?
Please contact the correctional facility where the inmate is currently housed and report that you would like your number removed. If you are receiving threatening calls from an inmate, please contact the correctional facility and report the calls.

Can I be on an inmate’s call or visiting list if I once worked for the KDOC?
Former employees, former volunteers and former contract workers cannot be added to an inmate’s phone or visiting list within two years of the severance of the individual’s relationship with a correctional facility. Approval of visits after two years is at the discretion of the Warden.

If you need additional information on the inmate telephone process including how to establish an account, please visit the Inmate Communications section and/or review Internal Management Policy and Procedure (IMPP) 10-111 Programs and Services: Inmate Access to Facility and Coinless Telephones.

Resident Trust Accounts

by David Thompson — last modified Aug 13, 2024 (02:02 PM)

Inmates deposit 10 percent of their incoming money less any outstanding obligations into a forced savings account. Use of saved funds is restricted to payment of garnishment, identifications (birth certificate, driver’s license, and social security card), civil filing fees, transcript fees, subpoena fees or other Warden-approved uses that facilitate an inmate’s re-entry back in to the community.

All forced savings account funds, plus interest, are returned to the inmate upon release.

For information about sending funds to an inmate, please visit the inmate banking section

Can I find out how much money an inmate has in his/her account?

No. The KDOC does not share any information (e.g. account balance or how the inmate spent the funds) on an inmate’s trust account. To confirm whether an inmate has received money, you may contact Centralized Inmate Banking at 785-746-7630. You will be asked to supply the date the funds were sent, the method used to send the funds, the amount of funds sent and the sender’s name.

What happens if an inmate has no money or very little in his account?

Indigent status is defined as an inmate whose inmate bank account, during the previous month, has a cumulative spendable amount of less than $12. Inmates who are indigent will be supplied with essential items including writing supplies, postage and personal hygiene items such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, disposable razor (general population inmates only), comb or pick and soap.

What can inmates do with their money?

Each facility has a canteen, a store through which inmates purchase allowable items. Inmates can purchase postage, snacks, personal products, radios, TVs, other electronic equipment, handicraft materials, shoes and other approved items depending upon an inmate’s incentive level. Inmates also may request disbursements for expenses such as medical co-pays, copies, magazine/newspaper subscriptions and legal fees. Court-ordered or statutorily mandated disbursements such as restitution, child support and room/board costs also can be collected.

May family or friends provide glasses, shoes or other items?

No. The KDOC’s medical contractor will provide for items that are deemed necessary, such as glasses.

Can inmates work?

Inmates must work unless they have a medical condition or other approved reason that will not allow for work assignments.

Examples of facility work assignment areas are food service, laundry and custodial work. Other employment possibilities include work release programs, traditional correctional industries, which are operated directly by KDOC staff, and private correctional industries programs where the KDOC enters into agreements with private firms.

Inmates in traditional industries receive incentive pay ranging from $0.25-$0.60 per hour. This compares to a maximum of $1.05 per day that inmates may receive for facility work assignments. Through KDOC partnerships with private industries, inmates earn at least federal minimum wage. Traditional/private industries program inmates pay 25 percent of their gross wages in partial reimbursement for room and board.

In addition to other KDOC administrative fees, inmates pay court-ordered restitution, child support and federal and state taxes. More employment information is available in the FAQ’s employment section.


by David Thompson — last modified Aug 13, 2024 (02:02 PM)

All cell phone and tobacco products are prohibited. These items must be secured in your vehicle before entering a correctional facility.

Bringing contraband in to a correctional facility can have serious consequences. To ensure the safety of visitors, staff and inmates, the items that can be brought in are severely restricted.

Traffic in contraband in a penal institution is a severity level 5 or 6, non-person felony. Traffic in contraband is defined as introducing or attempting to introduce anything not specifically allowed by the Warden of the facility. Contraband includes drugs, needles, weapons, explosives, intoxicating beverages, currency, written communication, cell phones, and more. KDOC correctional facilities do not allow tobacco and tobacco-related items such as lighters, matches, smokeless tobacco, etc.

Anyone attempting to bring in contraband of any type into a KDOC correctional facility will be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Every person entering correctional facility grounds is subject to search. Every visitor may be required to clear both a metal detector and a parcel x-ray machine search. Any visitor who is unable to clear a walk-through metal detector after three attempts, will be subject to a search using a hand-held device. Any visitor who then is unable to clear the hand held metal detector will not be allowed to visit that day. Even though a visitor clears the metal detector and parcel x-ray machine search, the visitor may still be requested to submit to a pat down search and/or a strip search if reasonable suspicion is present that the visitor is in the possession of contraband.

Trained detection dogs also may be used, based on a random schedule determined by the Warden or designee, to screen and/or search any area of the facility, any person attempting to enter into a facility and vehicles entering into or parked on the facility grounds.

If you refuse a search, you may not visit that day and will also lose your visiting privileges. If you have a medical condition that does not allow you to clear through the metal detector, you will need to bring a letter from your doctor documenting your condition.


by David Thompson — last modified Aug 13, 2024 (02:02 PM)

In-Person Visitation Frequently Asked Questions

Once a resident is eligible for visiting privileges, the resident is responsible for ensuring that his/her visitors receive the necessary paperwork to register as visitors. For more information, please review IMPP 10-113D: Offender Visitation.

The resident obtains the request form from the unit counselor and mails it to those he/she wishes to place on his/her visiting list. The prospective visitor will need to complete the form and mail it back to the facility for review and approval. A criminal background check is completed on all visitors. The visiting rules are sent out with the request form.

Each resident may have a maximum of 20 visitors on his/her list.

No visitors will be allowed into a correctional facility until the application has been approved.

How are visiting privileges determined?

Visitation privileges are determined by the incentive level assigned to each inmate in the following manner. Those inmates assigned to the following incentive levels are provided the following privileges:

  • Intake Level: limited to visits from attorneys, clergy and law enforcement.
  • Level I: limited to visits from attorneys, clergy, law enforcement, a primary visitor and immediate family members.
  • Levels II & III: allowed visits from any approved visitors.

Immediate family members are defined as parents, step-parents, siblings, spouses of siblings, half-siblings, step-siblings, children, spouses of children, step-children, grandchildren, step-grandchildren, great grandchildren, great step-grandchildren, spouse, parents of spouse, grandparents, or any person who filled the role of a parent de facto with respect to the offender as confirmed by the warden/superintendent upon review of the social history residents, who are married by license or common law, must list their spouse as their primary visitor. Unmarried, residents may declare any person as their primary visitor as long as the person is at least 18 years of age and is not listed as the primary visitor for any other resident. residents may change their primary visitor every six months. Approved lists are transferable to each facility and remain in effect unless revised by the resident or for administrative cause. Please review all visiting rules supplied by the facility prior to visiting.

What are the visiting hours and rules?

After you have received notification that you have been approved as a visitor, please check with the correctional facility for visiting hours and specific visiting rules.

Can children under 18 years of age visit an resident?

Minor children are permitted to visit if they are approved to be on the resident’s visitation list. The adult who brings the minor child must also be an approved visitor and be the child’s parent or legal guardian. Minor children may not be allowed to visit if the resident is being managed as a sex offender.

Can I be on more than one resident’s visitation list?

Visitors may be on more than one resident’s visiting list if the visitor is an immediate family member to each resident.

Why would my visiting privileges be suspended?

Visits may be denied, suspended or terminated by the shift supervisor on duty for:

  • Visitor under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Insufficient space available
  • Refusal of visitor to submit to search per IMPP 12-115, “Search of Visitors”
  • Refusal or failure to provide sufficient identification or falsifying information
  • Violation of facility rules
  • Failure to properly supervise children
  • Excessive physical contact
  • Visitor or visitor’s child appears ill
  • Reasons necessary to preserve security of the facility and reasonable order in the visiting area

Please note: visitors can be searched to prevent the introduction of any item considered to be contraband if taken into or from a facility. This includes cell phones and all tobacco and tobacco-related items.

What if I am a victim of the resident but I would like to visit the resident?

This does not mean that you will not be allowed to visit. If you are a victim of the resident, you must indicate this on your visiting application. The Office of Victim Services (OVS) will contact you for more information. If you have questions about this process, please call OVS toll free at (866) 404-6732.

How do I remove my name from a visitor’s list?

Send a letter with your request for removal, include the resident’s name and KDOC number, to the Visitation Clerk at the correctional facility. For mailing address, visit the facility index page. Visitors removed from a list by their own request or by the resident’s request may not re-apply for visitation for a minimum of 180 days.

What if I’m traveling from out of state to visit but I am not on the list?

Under certain circumstances, the Warden or his designee may authorize a special visit. Requests for special visits are initiated by the resident through the resident's unit team via the Form-9. Circumstances under which special visits may be granted include, but are not limited to:

  • Requests for a single visit prior to background verification and approval of subsequent visits;
  • The visitor has traveled a distance of 150 miles (one way) or more; or,
  • The visit is in the best interest of the resident's rehabilitative needs or other correctional goals.

What kind of identification should I bring with me during my visit?

Visitors must properly identify themselves with picture identification issued by a government agency, such as a driver’s license or a state identification card. A copy of an official state-issued birth certificate is acceptable for persons under the age of 16 who cannot produce photo identification.

Non-U.S. citizens who do not have a United States or state government agency picture ID will be required to show a valid passport or visa.

Are residents permitted furloughs for funeral/bedside visits?


Is physical contact allowed during a visit?

Contact during visits is limited to a brief embrace or kiss at the beginning and end of the visit. Hand holding is not allowed. Please see IMPP 10-113 for additional information.


by David Thompson — last modified Aug 13, 2024 (02:02 PM)

The KDOC provides comprehensive health care through private companies under contract with the KDOC. Routine sick calls are conducted five days a week and each facility provides 24-hour emergency medical, dental and mental health care for inmates. This includes on-site emergency first aid and crisis intervention, use of designated hospital room or appropriate health facilities, emergency on-call physician, dentist and mental health professional services when the emergency health facility is not located nearby. Each facility also provides for mental health services and routine dental examinations and treatment services.

What medical and mental health services are available?

Each facility provides a physician on site. Nurse practitioners and physician assistants also are available. Non-essential medical services and procedures, including elective surgery, will not be routinely provided to inmates. Access to mental health services is determined based upon assessments.

What dental services are available?

Routine dental examinations and treatment services are provided to each inmate under the direction and supervision of a licensed dentist. Arrangements for consultation with dental specialists and emergency dental services are made by the facility dentist and approved by the Departmental Health Authority. Elective procedures and dental prostheses will not be routinely provided. The preventive benefits of fluorides may be made available to inmates in the form and amount determined appropriate to the individual by the dentist. Dental procedures considered elective and not routinely offered will include, but are not limited to:

    1. Precious metal work;
    2. Long-range periodontics; and,
    3. Orthodontics

Can I find out about an inmate’s health status?

All medical and mental health records are confidential and handled in accordance with state and federal statutes and regulations regarding confidentiality and privacy. The release of confidential medical and mental health care information requires documented consent. An authorization for release of medical information is available in IMPP 5-107 Information Technology and Records: Confidentiality/Release of Medical and Mental Health Information, Attachment A.

 How does an inmate see a doctor?

An inmate must complete a sick call slip and will be charged a $2 fee for the initial visit. If the inmate needs to be seen for a follow-up visit or has been determined to have a chronic illness, the inmate will not be charged the $2 fee. If an inmate has a chronic illness and the symptoms are not related to the chronic illness, there will be a $2 charge.

Will someone notify me of an inmate’s medical emergency?

Assigned facility staff will notify the emergency contact designated by the inmate in the event of serious illness or injury affecting the inmate, which requires hospitalization, or in the event of the inmate’s death.

Disciplinary Reports & Grievances

by David Thompson — last modified Aug 13, 2024 (02:02 PM)

What is a DR?

DR stands for disciplinary report, a written notice that an inmate receives after committing a disciplinary infraction. Receiving DRs may result in loss of good time and/or loss of other incentives.

If an inmate violates a rule, a staff member writes a DR or issues a summary judgment citation.

The inmate may enter a plea of not guilty, guilty or no contest when the report is served to him/her. Each inmate also is entitled to:

  • receive advance written notice of the charge and a fair hearing by an impartial hearing officer;
  • be present at the hearing;
  • present documentary evidence;
  • testify on the inmate's own behalf;
  • have witnesses, subject to considerations of facility safety and security.
  • confront and cross-examine witnesses against the inmate; and
  • be furnished with staff assistance according to K.A.R. 44-13-408.

Disciplinary proceedings are conducted in a similar manner to how municipal court cases in your own community are conducted. If found guilty, the inmate’s sentence depends upon the severity of the offense. Disciplinary sentencing is mandated by Kansas regulations and consists of a wide range of consequences from being placed in disciplinary segregation to receiving a verbal reprimand.

The inmate also is permitted to appeal Class I and Class II convictions to the Secretary of Corrections’ designee whose decision is final.

The disciplinary process is explained in the Inmate Rule Book which is given to every inmate during the intake process. Inmates are strongly urged to read the book because rule infractions may adversely affect their incarceration and good time, if eligible. More information is available in KAR 44-13-101 and  IMPP 11-119 Decision Making: Documentation of the Disciplinary Process.

How does an inmate address grievances?

Before utilizing the grievance procedure, the inmate should try to reach an informal resolution with staff who work with the inmate on a direct or daily basis. Inmate request forms should be used to document this process. If this informal resolution attempt fails, the first level of the grievance system may then be used. If an emergency exists and a resolution could not be obtained by going to the unit team, the inmate may go directly to the grievance process. The grievance procedure incorporates several levels of problem solving to ensure solution at the lowest administrative level possible before moving to the next step:

  • Level 1: The inmate submits a grievance report form to an unit team member.
  • Level 2: If not resolved, the inmate submits the grievance report form to the Warden
  • Level 3: If not resolved, the inmate submits the grievance report form to the Secretary of Corrections.

General Questions

by David Thompson — last modified Aug 13, 2024 (02:02 PM)

Is smoking allowed by staff and residents?

No. The KDOC became a tobacco-free environment in March 2003.

Are the resident living units air conditioned?

No. However, residents housed in facilities with or without appropriate circulation or air-handling systems are permitted to have an electric fan in their cell/bunk-area except as required for safety and/or security considerations. Fans are purchased with Inmate Benefit Fund monies for indigent residents. Non-indigent residents may purchase fans through the facility’s canteen.

Why is a non-maximum custody resident in a maximum-security facility?

The security designation of a correctional facility is based upon its physical attributes (i.e., architectural, environmental) and, as it relates to residents, the type of physical constraints deemed appropriate for a particular resident. The security designation represents the highest custody resident that the facility may hold. For example, a maximum-security facility is capable of housing minimum-, medium- and maximum-custody residents. A minimum-security facility is capable of housing only minimum-custody residents.

Why are residents allowed to possess electronic equipment (radios, televisions, mp3 players, etc.,)?

Eligible residents are allowed to possess electronic equipment in an effort to prevent problems due to resident idleness.

Who provides funding for residents to obtain electronic equipment while in prison?

Residents are responsible for providing their own electronic equipment through personal funds derived from assigned work programs or funds sent in from outside sources.

How is recreation/leisure time equipment funded for the resident population?

Equipment is provided through the Inmate Benefit Fund. The majority of the fund is comprised of proceeds from the resident canteen contract and telephone services.

What is available in the facility canteen for residents to purchase?

A facility canteen is a store through which residents are provided an opportunity to purchase allowable items such as for hygiene, snacks or other property items. For a list of available items and the cost of the items, please visit the canteen section.

Are residents compensated when assigned to work programs?

Depending on skill level, residents may earn from $0.45 to $1/05 per day.

Are resident work details available to perform work for community organizations?

Please check with each individual correctional facility directly for information regarding assistance with local government or public non-profit organization projects.

Are residents financially responsible for housing and services they receive while incarcerated?

During incarceration, residents are assessed the following fees:

  • $2.00 sick call fee per visit if medical and dental services are initiated by the resident. Funds collected assist the Department in offsetting costs associated with health care contracts.
  • $1.00 monthly administrative fee for handling of resident trust funds. Collected fees are placed in the Crime Victims Compensation Fund.
  • $5.35 fee for each urinalysis test having positive result is assessed upon conclusion of the disciplinary process if the resident is found guilty. Collected fees are utilized to defray costs incurred in administering urinalysis tests.
  • Residents employed by private industry receive minimum wage and above. These residents are responsible for paying the State of Kansas 25% of gross wages per week for room and board. In addition, their earnings are subject to the following deductions: taxes, mandatory savings, victim restitution, dependent support, and fines/court costs.
  • Funds that residents receive from sources exterior to the Kansas Department of Corrections are subject to a 10% mandatory savings withholding (after deduction of any outstanding obligations), with the proceeds to be deposited into a mandatory savings account, which will accrue interest. These funds are provided to the resident upon release to assist them in improving their chance for a successful transition into society.

What is an inter-facility transfer?

Residents may be transferred to any KDOC facility consistent with the custody classification, gender and other medical and/or programmatic needs of the resident and/or the management and operational needs of the KDOC.

A resident initiated, inter-facility transfer request must be submitted to the resident’s unit team counselor through a Form-9. Residents in need of security transfers are given priority followed by those who have medical and mental health issues and program needs. Visitation is important but does not take priority over these other transfer needs. As much as the KDOC would like to house all residents near family and support group members, the KDOC is not able to accommodate every visitation transfer request. Those residents with the best record and who have waited the longest are given priority in granting visitation transfers.

What is the interstate compact?

Kansas has adopted an interstate compact with approximately 30 states that allows for the placement of a small number of Kansas residents in those states as needed for security considerations and subject to the approval of the other state. Interstate compact transfers are not considered for visitation purposes.

What is a lockdown?

Although infrequent, a lockdown can occur in cases of emergencies, disturbances or disruptions of a general nature or that involve a substantial number of residents. While in lockdown status, residents remain in their cells. Visitation, phone calls, along with resident work programs and activities, are halted during a lockdown.

What is good time?

Residents who demonstrate good work and behavior are eligible to earn good time credits which decrease part of the term of their incarceration.

Residents sentenced under the indeterminate sentencing structure are eligible to earn good time credits at a rate of 50 percent (one day earned for one day served). Residents sentenced under the determinate sentencing structure are eligible to earn good time credits at a rate of either 15 percent or 20 percent, depending on the date the crime was committed. Offenders sentenced under the determinate sentencing structure are also eligible to earn good time credits during their period of post-release supervision at a rate of 50 percent.

Good time credits may be withheld or forfeited for failure to comply with rules and regulations, resulting in the resident remaining in prison for a longer period of time. Good time credits withheld or forfeited on post-release supervision will result in the offender remaining under supervision for a longer period of time.

How is an resident’s sentence computed and how does good time work?

Please see the Kansas Sentencing Guidelines Desk Reference Manual available through the Kansas Sentencing Commission.

Residents earn good time in accordance with their sentences while incarcerated. The crime carrying the longest sentence and post-release time is the sentence that will be used to compute the amount of time that will be served.

Upon completion of the prison portion of the imposed sentence, a resident may be released to serve a term of post-release supervision, plus the amount of good time earned and retained while imprisoned.

If the resident is released to post release and finishes the post release without being revoked, the offender will then start serving the good time the offender earned while incarcerated. If the offender is on post release and is revoked, the offender will be brought back in to a correctional facility.

If the resident is a parole violator and was sentenced under the indeterminate sentencing law, the resident would be held until seen by the Kansas Parole Board.

Sentence computation is completed by a special unit at the KDOC’s central office.

Kansas sentencing laws are very complex and every detail cannot be covered here. This is intended to provide a general understanding of the good time processes.

What does sex offender management status mean?

The KDOC may manage residents as sex offenders based on their convictions or behavior. This status may affect the classification, visitation and available programming while incarcerated. It may also affect a resident’s supervision upon release. This status may include any resident with one or more of the following: current sex crime conviction, prior adult or juvenile sex crime conviction, conviction for sexually-motivated crime, institutional behavior that shows a pattern of sexually-motivated behavior and/or designation as sex offender by the override panel.

Can a resident’s sex offender management status be changed?
Residents may request an override of their sex offender status by submitting a request that includes the specific guidelines they would like changed to the Unit Team or Parole Officer, depending on the resident’s or offender’s location. Specific sex offender conditions examples are: contact with minors, attending sex offender treatment or being managed as a sex offender.

The Unit Team or Parole Officer will complete and submit an override packet to the KDOC’s central office for review by an override panel, which meets once a month.

Are religious services/programs available to residents?

Every resident has the right to freedom of religious affiliation and voluntary worship. The exercise of such rights may be subject to the requirements of ensuring the safe, secure and orderly operation of the correctional facility. Chaplains and volunteers provide a range of religious services, pastoral counseling, study groups and other special events.

Can a resident and I have a wedding ceremony in a correctional facility?

Yes. Residents make their request through the pastoral care department at which time the chaplain will follow a set of guidelines and protocol for the events leading up to the ceremony that must be approved by the Warden. This will include careful planning and may include marital counseling. The chaplain will lead the couple through this process and advise them of the criteria while keeping administrative staff informed of the proceedings.

All expenses associated with the marriage ceremony are the responsibility of the resident or prospective spouse.

Can a resident be released to attend a funeral or make a bedside visit?

No. The loss of a loved one is a traumatic and stressful time that is intensified by also being incarcerated. In an effort to make this time as comfortable as possible for the resident, the KDOC has several resources available to the resident population.

The pastoral care department and mental health counselors along with unit staff work together to help an resident in his/her time of need.

What is a functional incapacitation release?

Kansas law provides some residents, who are very ill, with the option to apply for a functional incapacitation release. Functional incapacitation is defined as a medical or mental health condition, including one rendering the resident terminally ill to the extent that death is imminent, resulting in the afflicted resident being incapable of causing physical harm.

Applications are submitted to the KDOC and subsequently referred to the Kansas Parole Board. The application cannot be approved unless the Parole Board determines that the resident is functionally incapacitated and does not pose a risk to public safety.

Are there legal services available to an resident?

Residents also have access to a prison law library and legal materials through LexisNexis research which provides legal research materials.

Residents also may use a Form-9 or write a letter requesting services to obtain the assistance of Legal Services for Prisoners, Inc.

Legal Services for Prisoners, is a non-profit group that provides legal services to indigent residents in Kansas correctional facilities.  The program’s goal is to ensure that residents’ rights to the courts are met to pursue non-frivolous claims.  Funding for Legal Services for Prisoners is administered by the State Board of Indigents’ Defense Services although the entity is not a state agency.

The program currently operates offices in El Dorado Correctional Facility, Lansing Correctional Facility, and Topeka  Correctional Facility. However, a resident may apply for services at any correctional facility. Legal Services for Prisoners. For more information, contact Legal Services for Prisoners at (785) 746-7437.

What happens the day of release?

Each facility works with the resident to ensure the resident receives all remaining funds in his/her resident account. Transportation is established prior to the day of release and the resident is given civilian clothes to wear out of the facility. The resident will be given instructions on reporting to his/her parole officer upon release. The person picking up the resident must show their driver’s license to facility staff prior to leaving.

To report incidents of sexual abuse or sexual harassment: Phone : 888-317-8204 or EMAIL