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Victim Services

“A correctional system where victim safety is central to all practices.”

The Office of Victim Services (OVS) provides confidential support and information to victims, survivors, or witnesses to crime committed by a person sentenced to the Kansas Department of Corrections.

Get Informed

The Office of Victim Services provides notification services for victims of any crime committed by and offender(s) of the Kansas Department of Corrections. This is your right as a victim of crime in Kansas. Witnesses and family members may also receive notification. Find more information about OVS notification services and how to register, here

In addition to notification, the Office of Victim Services offers the following services to victims of crime:
Victim Services Liaisons

Liaisons are advocates who work with victims of crime. Our team can answer questions about the prison system, parole supervision, and assist with your needs. Find more information about the Victim Services Liaison program, and how to request support, here
Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice is an alternative way to address the harm caused by crime.

Restorative justice programs can sometimes meet the needs of victims that the Court process did not meet. Our office has three restorative justice programs: Victim Offender Dialogue (VOD). Apology Letter Bank (ALB), and Victim Impact Class (VIC). Find More Information about Restorative Justice programs, and how to access services, here

Additional Programming

Victim Centered Resident & Offender Programming

The Office of Victim Services recognizes that victims are safer when those who have caused them harm receive intervention. Our Batterer Intervention Program facilitates group offerings in facilities and parole offices across the state. Find more information about our Batterer Intervention Program here
Cold Case Playing Cards Project

The Kansas Department of Corrections, in collaboration with law enforcement partners, has developed a deck of playing cards featuring cold case homicides, missing person cases, or suspicious deaths. The decks have been distributed to residents of state correctional facilities and county jails in hopes that persons familiar with a case will come forward with a beneficial tip. Find more information about the Cold Case Playing Cards Project, or request a deck, here

Victim Notification

The Office of Victim Services provides notification services for victims of any crime committed by an offender(s) of the Kansas Department of Corrections. This is your right as a victim of crime in Kansas. Witnesses and family members may also receive notification. You may receive a notification letter from our office for the following circumstances:

  • If the offender is being considered for a work release program or community work assignment
  • If we have been told the offender has applied for or been granted clemency
  • If we have been told the offender will appear in media coverage
  • Prior to a Public Comment Session
  • Following a parole decision
  • If the offender escapes custody (phone notification will be attempted first)
  • If the offender dies in prison or while on parole
  • When/If the offender is released
  • If the offender is transferred to another state while on parole
  • When/If the offender is no longer on parole
  • If the offender returns to KDOC custody.

Victim Advocacy

Liaisons are advocates who work with victims of crime. Our team can answer questions about the prison system, parole supervision, and assist with your needs.

Services Include:

  • Discussing ways to increase your safety.
  • Answer questions about the offender’s plan for release.
  • Explain parole and how that may affect you.
  • Offer information about community resources.
  • Assistance with protection orders
  • Work with parole staff to address concerns about offenders.
  • Requests for contact with an offender that meets your needs.

Public Comment Session Advocacy

Public Comment Sessions offer victims and survivors an opportunity to speak with the paroling authority prior to an inmate’s parole suitability hearing. The Office of Victim Services has an advocate at each public comment session to assist individuals through this process. The dates, times and locations of the public comment sessions will be provided to victims by the Kansas Department of Corrections. If you prefer to submit a written statement, you may do so using this form or online. The Prisoner Review Board can also be contacted via telephone for verbal comment submission at (785)746-7516. Our staff can assist during the process with:

  • Registration to speak at the Public Comment Session.
  • Support before/during/after a Public Comment Session.
  • Coaching on how to provide an effective statement.
  • Advocacy for requesting special conditions if parole is granted.
  • Assistance in preparing for a possible release.

Facility Tours

Victims or survivors of violence have the opportunity to tour the Kansas correctional facility of their choice. Facility tours are offered at various times throughout the state for victims or survivors of violent crime. During a tour, you may bring others who can support you and you will also be accompanied by an advocate from the Office of Victim Services and the warden of the prison facility being toured. The tour will include, but is not limited to the following:

  • Cellhouse, individual cell and/or dormitory
  • Recreation area
  • Dining area
  • Education area
  • Private industry or other work area
  • Medical facilities

Additional services are available based on individual victim needs.

To request advocacy services, please call 1-866-404-6732 or email KDOC_Victim_Notification@ks.gov

Victim Centered Resident & Offender Programming

The Office of Victim Services recognizes that victims are safer when those who have caused them harm receive intervention. Our Batterer Intervention Program facilitates group offerings in facilities and parole offices across the state.

Batterer Intervention Program (BIP)

The Office of Victim Services’ Batterer Intervention Program is a program for residents and offenders who have used violence in their intimate partner relationships and have a history of domestic violence related charges or convictions. The program is a minimum of 6 months long and meets twice a week. The curriculum is trauma informed, affective based curriculum that focuses on accountability for inflicting violence in relationships and healing from trauma experienced in childhood. Some topics discussed during the group process and applied through personal introspection are cruelty, integrity, values, accountability, negotiation and conflict resolution, trust, sexual respect, motivations for using cruelty, parenting and shame.

Batterer Intervention Program participants are eligible to receive program credit while incarcerated. Completion of facility-based BIP will reduce the amount of parole-based BIP a resident has to complete as part of their parole special conditions.

Criteria for Placement

  • Documented history of domestic violence (charges, convictions, no contact orders, parole violations, etc.)
  • Residents and offenders who have Prisoner Review Board recommendations to complete are prioritized for group placement.
  • Residents who are closer to release from facility or discharge from parole are prioritized for group placement.

Victim Impact Class (VIC)

The Office of Victim Services offers a voluntary class, called Victim Impact Class, for residents in some of the Kansas prisons. The purpose of the class is for resident to understand the impact of crime on victims and to learn what it means to be accountable for their actions. If you are interested in speaking with a class, please let us know.

If you are interested in speaking with a Victim Impact Class or have questions about Victim Centered Resident and Offender Programming, please call 1-866-404-6732 or email KDOC_Victim_Notification@ks.gov.

Restorative Justice Program

Restorative Justice is an alternative way to address the harm caused by crime. Restorative justice programs can sometimes meet needs of victims that the court process did not. Our office has two restorative justice programs:

Apology Letter Bank (ALB)

Some victims want to know if the offender is sorry for what they did. The Apology Letter Bank is a way for victims to receive apology letters from the offender who caused them harm. Per policy, offenders cannot send letters directly to victims. If you would like to know if a letter is available for you, please reach out to our office. Letters are kept in the Apology Letter Bank until you request them.

To request restorative justice services, please call 1-866-404-6732 or email KDOC_Victim_Notification@ks.gov

Victim Offender Dialogue (VOD)

Many victims are still seeking closure, healing, answers, and/or a chance to use their voice. For some people, having a conversation with the offender helps meet those needs. The Office of Victim Services offers a program called a Victim Offender Dialogue (VOD) which gives you a chance to have a one-time facilitated conversation with the offender of the crime. It isn’t the right choice for everyone, but if you would like to know more, please reach out to our office.

Community Resources

The Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence

KCSDV is a statewide nonprofit organization- and coalition- with the mission of preventing and eliminating sexual and domestic violence.

The Kansas Attorney General’s Crime Victims’ Rights Office

Helps to ensure efficient and effective statewide coordination of local crime victim and witness assistance programs and direct assistance to crime victims and their families. Information is also available about Crime Victim’s Compensation, Sexually Violent Predator Law, and other resources for Kansas crime victims

Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)

The primary goal of CASA programs is to assist in securing permanent placement for children who are in the child welfare system because of alleged or confirmed abuse and/or neglect.

Parents of Murdered Children

Provides support and assistance to all survivors of homicide victims while working to create a world free of murder.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)

MADD’s mission is to stop drunk driving, support the victims of this violent crime and prevent underage drinking.

The National Center on Elder Abuse

Dedicated to providing professionals, policymakers, and the public information and resources on elder abuse prevention and response to help ensure that older adults age with dignity and respect, free from maltreatment.

KBI Offender Registry

The Kansas Offender Registration enacted by K.S.A. 22-4901 et seq., contains information only on convicted offenders who committed their offenses on or after April 14, 1994. This site allows you to search for registered offenders.

Kansas Crime Victims Bill of Rights

Know your rights as a crime victim in Kansas as outlined in K.S.A 74-73333

Cold Case Playing Cards Project

The Kansas Department of Corrections in collaboration with the Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI), the Kansas Association of Chiefs of Police (KACP), the Kansas Sheriff’s Association (KSA), and the Kansas Peace Officers Association (KPOA), developed a deck of playing cards featuring 52 unsolved homicide, missing person, and unidentified remains cases throughout the state of Kansas. The decks have been distributed to residents of state correctional facilities and county jails in hopes that persons familiar with a case will come forward with a beneficial tip or information.


If you have information about a case featured in the deck or any unsolved case, please call 1-800-KS-CRIME (800-572-7463)

If you would like:

  • To request a deck of Cold Case Playing Cards
  • To request a poster to display in your work unit
  • To see a case featured in the second edition deck
  • To receive any other information regarding the project


Mary Stafford
Kansas Dept. of Corrections
Victim Services
714 SW Jackson St. Ste. 300
Topeka, KS 66603



Toll-Free Line

(866) 404-6732

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday
8 am – 4 pm

To report incidents of sexual abuse or sexual harassment: Phone : 888-317-8204 or EMAIL